The EURASIP Academy is a global initiative, dedicated to career development and support for the Signal Processing Community. It is designed for early career stage researchers who have recently completed or are about to complete their PhD in signal processing or a related field.
The EURASIP Academy aims to identify exceptionally talented and promising signal processing researchers early in their careers, accelerate their professional growth, and help them build a robust professional network. Participants will swiftly emerge as recognized leaders in their scientific disciplines, gaining international recognition and paving the way for future advancements in signal processing research.
Successful applicants will embark on a structured program, taking on community responsibilities and earning recognition for their volunteer efforts. Academy Members will choose a Mentor from among senior EURASIP members, who will provide guidance on both their Academy duties and broader career development within the community.
Academy Levels
Stage 1: Academy Member
Upon acceptance to the Academy, the candidate becomes an Academy Member. The Academy Member is provided with a Mentor who is a participating senior editorial board Member (Academy Mentor) of a participating EURASIP journal. This stage is a minimum of 2 years and a maximum of 3 years.
The Academy Member supports and contributes to the editorial and reviewing responsibilities carried out by the Academy Mentor. The Mentor provides feedback/advice on the activities of the Member. The Academy Member and Academy Mentor each receive a EURASIP certificate upon completing the first year.
Stage 2: Assistant Editor
Upon recommendation of the Mentor, the Member can be accepted as Assistant Editor for a participating EURASIP journal. The candidate may apply for a new Mentor or continue with the same Mentor.
As Assistant Editor, the candidate manages the review of manuscripts, providing recommendations for editorial decisions to the Mentor. This stage is a minimum of 1 year and a maximum of 2 years in duration. The Academy Member receives a EURASIP certificate upon completing the first year of stage 2.
Stage 3: Editorial Board Member
Upon recommendation of the Mentor, the Assistant Editor can be acceptance as Editorial Board Member for a EURASIP journal and works independently without a Mentor. The Academy Member receives a EURASIP certificate upon acceptance to stage 3.
Stage 4: Senior Academy Member
After one year of active service as Editorial Board Member, the Member advances to Senior Academy Member. The Director of Academy will actively promote Senior Academy Members to take on additional responsibilities as Subject Area Editors, Special Issue Organizers/Editors, Technical Area Committee membership, Organizers of special sessions/tutorials/seasonal schools at EURASIP sponsored events. Senior Academy Members may eventually take leadership responsibilities in the EURASIP organization. The Academy Member receives a EURASIP certificate upon acceptance as Senior Academy Member.
Admissions to the Academy
The Academy accepts online applications between September and end of October every year.
Admission is decided during December every year and Academy Members start their term on 1 January the following year. Read more about the admission and application.
Advancement in the Academy
Advancement of eligible Academy Members is considered on an annual basis before the end of the year. In dialogue with the Mentor, the Academy Member can initiate the process online. Reporting on activities is conducted continuously through the Academy website’s restricted membership area. Advancement is decided by the admission committee appointed by the EURASIP Board of Directors.
Meetings and Networking
Academy Members and Mentors will meet regular and at least annually in person during the EUSIPCO conference. The Members are encouraged to exchange experiences, learn from best practice, and suggest improvements to the program.
EURASIP will make a number of travel grants available for Academy Members to join EUSIPCO. The awarding of these grants will be communicated well in advance of the conference.
Similarly, meetings will be organized by the Academy Mentors (and Editorial Board Members willing to become Mentors) to share experiences.